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UPS Management Software - Free

Version :
- WINDOWS: 6.32 240425
- LINUX 64-BIT: 6.34 241028

- Windows: 8ERR4X8301161605
- Linux: 8ERR4X-83010902118

Applications that permanently monitor UPS operation and protect the operating systems.

Free download. It comprises a group of applications that permanently monitor UPS operation and protect the operating systems of the computers powered by the UPS itself. The client/server structure makes it extremely flexible, efficient, simple to use and “light” when it comes to required system resources.

Compatible with all the main operating systems, even in different architecture (Intel, Alpha, Itanium, etc…): Windows 2000 and more recent, Linux, Unix, Novell Netware and Mac OS.

UPS Management Software includes the following main modules:

UPSMON: graphic interface which, after connection to the UPSMAN module, allows you to access the main operating data of the UPS and perform tests.

UPSMAN: Server module for UPS management through the RS232 link. This module can control numerous events (power failure, overload, bypass, internal faults, etc..) and is able to carry out lots of actions for each one (data registration in the log file, transmission of pop-up messages, e-mail transmission, program execution, local and remote shutdown, etc…), also at different times.

To manage multiple remote PCs it is necessary to download the RCCMD licenses from the dedicated area.

Software Download

Network interface

CS141 (all models)

Version :
- Firmware: 2.22.8 241203

Network interfaces for UPS management

They are special network devices designed to autonomously manage UPS. External software is not required: a 32-bit processor resides in the board along with an operating system of the “UNIX Embedded” type which is able to continuously monitor the operation of the UPS, handle lots of events (power failure, overload, bypass, faults,…).

Main functions:

  • Event log with date and time;
  • Memorising the trend of the main operating data, complete with date and time;
  • E-mail transmission;
  • Accomplishment of scheduled actions;
  • Displaying pop-up messages, shutdown and customised commands on remote computers;
  • Transmission of SNMP trap messages;
  • Turning the UPS off and on;
  • Transmitting Wake On LAN (WOL)” signals;
  • Compatible with SNMP protocol and the main types of operating software (HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, etc…);
  • Data and configuration display via the Internet browser (Internet Explorer,
  • Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc…) or Telnet;
  • 10/100Mbit Base-T Ethernet link (half-duplex and full-duplex) with self-recognition function;
  • DHCP Function.
Software Download

Network interface

CS121 (all models)

Version :
- Firmware: 5.72 200207

Network interfaces for UPS management

They are special network devices designed to autonomously manage UPS. External software is not required: a 32-bit processor resides in the board along with an operating system of the “UNIX Embedded” type which is able to continuously monitor the operation of the UPS, handle lots of events (power failure, overload, bypass, faults,…).

Main functions :

  • Event log with date and time;
  • Memorising the trend of the main operating data, complete with date and time;
  • E-mail transmission;
  • Accomplishment of scheduled actions;
  • Displaying pop-up messages, shutdown and customised commands on remote computers;
  • Transmission of SNMP trap messages;
  • Turning the UPS off and on;
  • Transmitting Wake On LAN (WOL)” signals;
  • Compatible with SNMP protocol and the main types of operating software (HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, etc…);
  • Data and configuration display via the Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc…) or Telnet;
  • 10/100Mbit Base-T Ethernet link (half-duplex and full-duplex) with self-recognition function;
  • DHCP Function.
Software Download

Network interface


Version :
- Firmware: 3.8.CY504.Legrand.7
- CS101 finder: 5.1.2

Network interface for UPS management

It is a special network device designed to continuously monitor the operations of an UPS and to handle its main events (power failure, overload, bypass, faults, …).
No external software is required.

Main functions:

  • Event log with date and time;
  • Memorising the trend of the main operating data, complete with date and time;
  • E-mail transmission;
  • Accomplishment of scheduled actions;
  • Shutdown remote computers;
  • Turning the UPS off and on;
  • Transmitting Wake On LAN (WOL)” signals;
  • SNMP v1, v2, v3 support (RFC1628 and PPC) and SNMP traps messages transmission;
  • Data and configuration display via internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc…) or Telnet;
  • 10/100Mbit Base-T Ethernet link with self-recognition function;
  • DHCP function.
Software Download

Network interface


Version :
- Firmware: 0.90 a13
- SNMP FITility: 1.00.31

Network interface for UPS management

It is a special network device designed to continuously monitor the operations of an UPS and to handle its main events (power failure, overload, bypass, faults, …).No external software is required.

Main functions:

  • Event log with date and time;
  • Memorising the trend of the main operating data, complete with date and time;
  • E-mail transmission;
  • Accomplishment of scheduled actions;
  • Shutdown remote computers;
  • Turning the UPS off and on;
  • Transmitting Wake On LAN (WOL) signals;
  • SNMP v1, v2, v3 support (RFC1628) and SNMP traps messages transmission;
  • MODBUS TCP support
  • Data and configuration display via internet browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc…);
  • 10/100Mbit Base-T Ethernet link with self-recognition function;
  • DHCP function.
Software Download


RCCMD - Free

Version :
- Windows: 4.65 250210
- Linux 32-bit: 4.65 250210
- Linux 64-bit: 4.65 250210
- Mac OS X: 4.58 240715
- VMware ESXi (8/7/6.7): 4.65 250210

Software that enables a computer to receive and execute remote commands transmitted by the UPS management systems.

This software enables a computer to receive and execute, via the TCP/IP protocol, the following remote commands transmitted by the UPS management systems:

  • Shutdown of the operating system;
  • Display of pop-up messages;
  • Execution of customised script (.COM, .EXE, .BAT, .CMD) with the relative options.

All the commands received are recorded in a log file. Execution of these commands depends on an authorization control: the commands are only accepted if the UPS that transmitted them is part of an authorization list.

A “redundancy” list can be created, i.e. a command will only be executed if it has been transmitted by several UPS (e.g. to shutdown computers with redundant powering on two or more UPS).

The software is compatible with 99% of the operating systems currently available on the market (including the virtualization systems like VMware) and is also available for different types of architecture (e.g. Intel, PowerPC, Alpha processors).

Compatible with: UPS Management Software, CS141 (all models), SiteSwitch 4 (only the SS4 model).

Software Download


CS101/CS102 Shutdown Client

Software that enables a computer to read the status of an UPS and to execute commands in the computer where it is installed. Compatible with CS101/CS102 SNMP card.

This software enables a computer to check, via the SNMP protocol, the status of an UPS connected to a CS101 SNMP card and, if necessary, to execute the following commands:

  • Shutdown of the operating system;
  • Display of pop-up messages;
  • Execution of a customized program before the system shutdown.

All the alarms received are recorded in a log file.

A "redundancy" list can be created, i.e. a command will only be executed if it has been transmitted by more than one UPS (e.g. to shutdown computers with redundant powering on two UPS).

The software is compatible with Windows (except Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and earlier versions) and with Linux.

Software Download



Version 2.19 250305

License key: 8ERRUX4219210000618

UNMS (UPS Network Management System) is a WEB based application that can continuously monitor the status of all the UPS installed in one or more locations by means of the UPS management systems (CS141, UPS Supervisor , SNMP) and the TCP/IP protocol.

All the alarm signals generated by the various UPS are received by the monitoring station. That allows to achieve an immediate and thorough diagnosis of the problem and allow the technical assistance service to act urgently if needed.

The operating status of each UPS is represented by a traffic light icon. In case of anomaly, the icon of the UPS in the alarm status changes colour, depending on the seriousness of the fault. The control program sends pop-up messages, e-mail and runs customised programs.

The monitoring function of the UPS concerned can be accessed with an Internet browser and a simple click on the mouse.

The SNMP protocol’s support allows this application to be used with different brands of UPS, as long as they are compatible with the MIB RFC 1628 specifications.

The system also allows the graphic interface to be customised, memorising of all alarms received in a database for research purposes and can display graphs showing the trend of the main operating parameters of the UPS.

The basic version is free of charge and it allows to manage up to 25 UPS at the same time.

UNMS is available for Windows XP Pro and and more recent.

Software Download


UPS Setting Tools

Diagnostics utilities for UPS systems. They allow for a fast and safe interface to perform diagnostics and set special functions.